Yes, although there are no matches non-stop, there are still many players playing daily. As the online mode didn't work for years and Tunngle was ended in 2018, the activity around the game was badly affected in the past. Since then, a new online service was started (July, 2021) by the playing community where everyone can play together and the player base has been steadily growing ever since.

Frequently asked questions

If you have any more question, or need help, join any Far Cry 2 Discord server.

Questions and answers

Is the multiplayer still alive?

People tend to play anytime throughout the day (Europe time), but the most active periods are afternoons and evenings. Night times are usually empty.

When do players play?

The multiplayer can work through VPNs, but they are not used anymore however. All everyone has to do is install the community multiplayer patch and they'll be able to log into the new online mode and play with everyone else.

Can I play on a VPN, such as Radmin or Tunngle?

No, the official online multiplayer support was ended by Ubisoft.

Is the original online mode still working?

Yes, a quick registration is needed on WWW.FARCRY2.ONLINE to be able to log into the online multiplayer in the game. After you confirm the registration in the e-mail you will receive, you can use the same username and password for your online multiplayer profile in Far Cry 2 for successfully logging in.

Do I need to sign up anywhere to use the new online mode?

Old players with developer skills. You can read more info on the GitHub page.

Who created the new online mode?

If this happens to you, you should know it is a false positive. The patch is an open source project and it's completely safe to use. If your security software red flags it, you should allow the patch to do the modifications to the game or add the patch, or the game's 'dunia.dll' file, (whichever your antivirus has a problem with) to the exceptions list.

My antivirus says the patch has a virus or maleware.

If you have any more questions or you're looking for help with a multiplayer or patch related issue, you can find a complete support on Discord.

You have any more questions or need help?