Insert a long beautiful story about your business and how it has started. Tell about your team members and write an article about the Founder of this business. Insert your own photos, so customers can learn about you more and trust you.


Verified players

The FC2MPPatcher is a simple patching utility made for Far Cry 2's multiplayer mode. When the game is patched with the tool, it will be able to connect to the community online service, allowing for the online multiplayer to work again after it's official support was ended by Ubisoft in July, 2021. You can download the patch here and see our simple installation guides below, or you can go over to the its Github page to download it and read more information.

Player verification

Multiplayer patch

There is activity on the servers every day, mostly Europe later aftenoons and evenings. In order to play with other players, it's best to adjust to this time period. The online activity can be easily followed on our Discord without needing to open the game.

When do players play?

You must read the terms of service here before you use the patch and the online services.

EULA - Terms of Service

You must read the terms of service here before you use the patch and the online services.

You must read the terms of service here before you use the patch and the online services.